Like omg the valley fer sure

Sessions, Sex work
[caption id="attachment_304" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Youve been very bad "][/caption] Well I finally buckled down and got use of dungeon space in the San Fernando Valley for my BDSM sessions yanno for those that cant seem to make it over the hill into LA proper. I'm going to be sessioning out of Sanctuary which is in the Reseda area of the valley. Its has been around for about 10 years so I'm sure you more experienced little freaks have been there already. Nice space, clean, easy to get to and it has everything i would need to torment you in any way i see fit. I will be available with at least 2 hours  notice for same day appointments and generally from 10am to 10pm. Of course I'm always much happier…
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Communication breakdown

Sessions, Sex work
[caption id="attachment_290" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="I'll give you a cool hand Luke"][/caption] Being a submissive is not a euphemism for being a lazy uncommunicative greedy little pig. Though so many potential subs/slaves/clients sure do act like it is. I need to know what you want, need, desire. How else can i determine if I'm the right Pro Domina for you? I know i know it ruins your "fantasy" if you actually have to communicate your needs. Well get over that bullshit you selfish prick. I'm not a Domme robot and if you treat me like one I'll likely walk out on you, ignore you, hang up, whatever it takes. I am not a mind reader and i can not work out your needs for you. So know what you want, learn…
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Interviews and such

Sex work
At the suggestion of a friend i decided to seek an interview at a professional dungeon. I wasn't sure about this as I'm a pretty independent kinda person and i love to just work for myself. The more i thought about it them more the idea of a couple of shifts a week working at a professional dungeon might be well ... fun. I am all about fun so i set something up and i interview with one today. Dungeons are different as the rules are not made by me they are made by the house and i have to work within their structure. That's cool i can do that and i understand the need for a official sex business to cover their legal asses. For my more seedier sessions,…
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