I know its not easy for some of you to get up the nerve to call a Domme. That your desires are often your big and well kept secret. How devistating it must be when you get up the nerve make the call then blunder though it and not connect or worse piss off the Mistress on the other line because you make mistake after mistake in how to talk and deal with her. Yes, there is a correct way or rather a best way to contact a Professional Domme. One that both gets you to your desired goal (an amazing session) and doesn’t piss off the women you are attempting to connect with so that she will refuse to meet with you.It happens more then you think it does.
Lucky for you my friend Serene Sin is teaching a class on how to find a dominate women. Serene is a BDSM sex educator and professional Domina. She has a very clam way about her and is pretty much the most accepting of people I have recently encountered in the BDSM community. You would never feel uncomfortable at one of Serene’s classes or events. This is a class that potential clients and those looking to connect with Dominate women really should think about taking. You will only need your class fee, an email address and to remember to tell her that it was from ME Mistress DeMilo that you heard about the class. Simple as pie and well worth the effort. I can guarantee you will have better luck with your interactions with Dominate women after Serenes class.
Event Info:
Sunday, May 29, 2011
4117 Overland, Culver City, CA 90230
$30 at the door. Remember to use Mistress DeMilo as your reference.